Welcome to the playground. We're always tinkering + exploring, and leaving it here for everyone to enjoy. Check back in from time to time to see things like wonky hover states, unnecessarily complex micro-interactions, and other fun explorations!
Fri Aug 16, 2024
15:06:02 PM
Frosted Glass Exploration
A take a look into some fun hover states emulating "frosted glass" and particles when a user hovers over a category item.
Mon Jul 23, 2024
17:49:56 PM
Dating App Breathing Exercise
Dating in today's world has become increasingly rapid, stressful, and anxiety-inducing. We took a step back and explored an app where we want to re-introduce intentionality and a human touch to dating. This quick exploration takes a look at a simple breathing exercise before diving in to the crazy world that is dating. We want users to feel understood, to feel like we have their back, and remind them to just slow down for a little bit. And while this exploration takes place before onboarding, we imagine it can be placed before matching with someone, before a big date, or if you just want to take a break.
Mon Jul 1, 2024
15:05:57 PM
Milkshake Mascot Illustration
A quick and fun mascot illustration for @reeniekarim pop-up announcement in Los Angeles. I started by heading over to Pinterest to do some quick research on vintage character illustrations. Right away, I jumped into doodling in my notebook, digitized it in Procreate, and transferred it into Figma. From there, I image-traced the illustration, and was able to fine tune it to match the colors of the brand identity!
Sun Jun 23, 2024
16:33:55 PM
Ingredient Checklist Toggle
Exploring a click/tap interaction for a recipe page, where the user can "check-off" ingredients they have on-hand.
June 22, 24
17:16:04 PM
Hello World!
Here in the playground we'll explore all sorts of explorations: It could be as simple as a an unconventional hover state, a micro-interaction that only those paying attention will drool over, or traversing all the variety creative mediums. I love to draw and paint, play with type, create weird 3D models, and so much more. I want to explore all of it, and share the journey with you all.
I hope you stick around, check in from time to time, and find something that creates a spark of inspiration. At the end of it, creating is creating, and even if it's a 24px icon, I'll be ecstatic to share with you all.
Give a follow at @studiofoxhill on social to keep up to date with everything we're working on!